Why Periods are Better with Friends
Getting your period can be scary, but your friends are here to help. They understand what you're going through and can offer advice, support, and even emergency supplies. Talking about periods with your friends can help break the stigma and make you feel more comfortable. Remember, you're not alone in this journey!
Periods: They're Not Always 28 Days Long!
Discover why your period length might be shorter or longer than usual. Learn about the four phases of the menstrual cycle and embrace your body's unique rhythm. It's totally normal to be different.
The Coolest Thing Your Body Does
Discover the incredible journey your body takes each month as you experience your period! This article breaks down the myths and mysteries surrounding menstruation, reassuring you that it's a normal part of growing up. Learn about what happens during your cycle, from the shedding of the uterine lining to the cramps and mood swings that may accompany it. Embrace this natural process and empower yourself with knowledge and tips to handle it all like a pro!
Cramps, Mood Swings, and Backaches: Oh My!
Sometimes, it feels like periods come with a whole menu of unwelcome surprises. From cramps that feel like tiny monsters party in your tummy to mood swings that catch you off-guard, navigating this time of the month can be a challenge. But don’t worry! In this article, we’ll share some friendly tips to tackle cramps, manage those pesky mood swings, and soothe backaches. Plus, we’ll delve into the other little quirks your body might throw your way, like headaches and pimples.